Roof Inspection

The inspector would often climb up onto the roof during a roof inspection to physically check it for signs of damage or wear and tear. They will search for problems including cracks, leaks, rot, or deterioration as well as missing or damaged shingles or tiles. They will also make sure the flashing, gutters, and downspouts are installed and working properly.

To find concealed issues like leaks or water damage, the inspector may also utilize specialized gear like moisture meters or infrared cameras. Following the examination, the inspector will frequently offer a thorough report explaining the results and any necessary repairs or upkeep.

For a roof to last for many years and to avoid expensive repairs or replacement, routine inspections are necessary. It is advised that homeowners have their roofs examined at least once a year, particularly following extreme weather conditions like hailstorms.

Don’t skip this important step – schedule a roof inspection today to ensure that you’re a well-informed and that your home is safe and functional. Contact us now to schedule your inspection!

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